
创建时间:  2013-10-06  刘佳    浏览次数:

主题:眼见为实?学会质疑自己的文化感知(Is Seeing Believing? Learning to Question our Cultural Perceptions
主讲人:Jason D. Patent博士(南京大学教授)
简介:Specialists in intercultural communication occasionally get so focused on the specifics of how cultures differ that we sometimes forget the role played by the most basic of cognitive functions: perception. In this talk I will review some findings, both academic and personal, which remind us (a) that the world we perceived is an invention of our brains and bodies, and (b) that our moment-to-moment perceptions are profound shaped by culture.
As the Nanjing-based American Co-Director of the Hopkins-Nanjing Center, Dr. Jason Patent is responsible for the management of the Center's affairs along with the Chinese Co-Director. Professor Patent received his B.A. in East Asian studies from Harvard University in 1990, an M.A. in East Asian studies from Stanford University in 1994 and a Ph.D. in linguistics from the University of California, Berkeley in 2003. Professor Patent's more than 20 years of China-related experience began after college when he first taught English in the far northeast industrial city of Qiqihar. Since that time, his work has spanned the education, nonprofit and business sectors. He later lived in Guangzhou, Chengdu and Beijing—where in 2004, he became the inaugural director of Stanford University's Overseas Studies Program based at Peking University. While with the Stanford program, he also taught courses on language and culture and conducted scholarly research.

