
创建时间:  2013-09-18  刘佳    浏览次数:

主讲人:Andrew D. Cohen博士(美国明尼苏达大学教授)
主题:Writing Like a Native: The Process of Reformulation
简介:This mini-workshop will focus on a technique that you as a teacher can use to get a better sense of how your students' L2 writing proficiency compares with that of native speakers. The approach, referred to as reformulation, can, if carried out effectively, provide a means for your students to improve their writing dramatically. The potential is there for them to take a quantum leap from where they are now to a more native-like level – one that is more consistent with the sociocultural norms for writing within the target language and cultural group.
主题:Language Learner Strategy Research: Insights from the Past and Present in Looking Forward
简介:The talk will start by looking at early efforts to promote language learner strategy (LLS) research, beginning with the early 1970s when Rubin who provided the first mandate to researchers in 1975. Next we will consider efforts in the intervening years, such as those enumerated in internationally circulated books on strategy research such as those by Grenfell and Harris (1999) and Macaro (2001), culminating in recent efforts to promote LLS research, such as that by Oxford (2011) as well as that by the speaker (Cohen, 2011). Finally, we will consider where future research would be helpful in answering a question that intrigues teachers and administrators the world over: How best can we mobilize language learner strategies in order to enhance efforts at language learning?
主讲人简介:Andrew D. Cohen is a professor in the Second Language Studies Program, which is affiliated with the Department of Writing Studies at the University of Minnesota. He served as the Director of the Language Resource Center at the Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA) from 1993–2004 and has been active with numerous projects within CARLA. These projects have included two studies involving Spanish immersion education at the Adams School in St. Paul; research at the Concordia Language villages with German, French, Russian, and Norwegian; development of guides for study abroad and research with students in French and Spanish-speaking countries; development of a guide for styles- and strategies-based instruction; the construction of websites for the teaching and learning of pragmatics, and for learning speech acts in Japanese and in Spanish; and most recently, the development of a grammar strategies website for learners of Spanish.

